From time to time, we will see a review or get feedback from a customer that the right angled cable or adapter they bought from us is in fact a left angled cable or adapter.

Is there such a thing as a left angled cable? The short answer is no. The longer answer is it can depend on what you mean by left angle.

Right Angle vs. Left Angle

Traditionally, a right angle refers to the one of the ends being perpendicular to the axis of the cable or adapter itself. Some cables or adapters can only be plugged in one way so the rest of the cable or adapter will always appear to go up or down and others will always appear to go left or right.

Now it is possible that some plugs will only allow you to connect the cable or adapter in one specific orientation so it will be a right angle connector with the cable always going left (or “left angled”) or a right angle connector with the cable always going to the right (or “right angled”).

However, what complicates this issue is that some devices will use the same plug in one orientation and still others will use it in a different orientation. A great way to illustrate this phenomenon is by using our right angle YCS Basics 3-foot USB mini extension cable:

USB mini extension cable

A closer look at the male plug reveals the unique shape of the USB mini male to be similar to a trapezoid with a shorter side and an opposite longer side. Read on »

What has moved you? What has changed you but still isn’t officially on your list of influences?

As my powers of retrospect sharpen, as my openness to revelation is broadened, and slowly as details in life that seemed trivial at the time prove to be cornerstones of direction and influence when their effects become realized, I have become convinced that it is true…most of us need to learn to GET OUT OF OUR OWN WAY!!! Musically I was always a sponge, but maybe at times resistant to being too influenced by music I liked but deemed cheesy or too far out of my sphere. I’ve always had a broad range of musical styles in my record and CD collections, but if I was going to be totally honest, at times I may have blocked myself off due to having a preconceived image of…get this…MYSELF!!! Well, trying to open up now and embrace the cheese…let it rain fondue…looking forward to brighter cheddar days. I am not going to give an explanation as to of the nature of this list, read the title and follow me…I hope you relate in your own way.

The Bee Gee’s:

Bee Gees

I was born in 1971 and in 1977, 1978, and 1979, I was in grammar school and all my friends and I had little radios and one of the most popular activities for people 6-18 was to go to the roller skating rink. The Bee Gees were EVERYWHERE!!! Read on »

Part 1

Ever start humming a song you haven’t heard in 20 years? What about cracking a joke from a movie you only saw once but it totally reshaped your sense of humor? Ok…have you ever had a dish that tasted so good, one that you’ve never had again, that you can pull up the taste of that in your imagination right now? Almost taste it? Yes, yes, yes, the mind is so powerful and so largely untapped! In this week’s Worthy List I will take a look at points in my life that really left big impressions on me as a musician and as a person. I think I will, for the sake of forsaking hemlock, stick to the happy impressions!!! I encourage you to make your own list in your mind, on screen, on paper, or wherever. And don’t forget to make new memories and impressions, they are gifts to yourself!!!



  1. Seeing Grease at the theaters. Read on »

So many flavors…

So much sweetness!

Candy Cables - colors and styles

Cables, cables, cables

Black, white, and gray cables are fine but given the option I would definitely choose a cable with some color. I tend to be drawn toward color and since the human eye can detect millions of colors, I know I am not alone. Read on »

Sendt Braided Instrument Cables

Whether you are a working musician, a home recording enthusiast, or a garage band superstar the chances are pretty good that you use a cable or two. Even the most staunch acoustic purist knows that the second that a microphone, PA system, or electric instrument enters the mix cables become a reality. Even in most wireless systems, there are cables in the mix somewhere. So if there has to be a cable why not a high quality, good looking, and affordably priced cable? Read on »